منحة هولندية شاملة (السفر- الدراسة – المعيشة – الكتب وراتب شهري )

تقدم هولندا عدداً مقدراً من المنح الدراسية الشاملة كل عام ، وهذه المنحة هي احداها ، حيث تشمل مصاريف السكن ، المعيشة ، الدراسة و الكتب بالاضافة الى راتب شهري .

كما تشمل المنحة مصاريف الابحاث والتأمين ، و تذاكر السفر

مستوى الدراسة والمنحة :

دكتوراة ، ماجستير .

مجالات المنحة :

كل المجالات


للإطلاع على بقية التفاصيل والتقديم للمنحة اضغط هنا

Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP), 2017-2018

The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) promote capacity building within organisations in 51 countries by providing fellowships for training and education for professionals. The NFP is initiated and fully funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the budget for development cooperation.

Level of Study

Short courses, master and PhD.

Subjects/feilds of study



-Supplement the salary that the fellow should continue to receive during the study period. (Between 970-1300 Euro depending on the program and the level ).

-Round flight tickts

The allowance is a contribution towards the costs of living, the costs of tuition fees, visas, travel, insurance and thesis research.


• must be a national of, and working and living in one of the countries on the NFP country list (51 countries)

• must have an employer’s statement that complies with the format EP-Nuffic has provided. All information must be provided and all commitments that are included in the format must be endorsed in the statement;

• must not be employed by an organisation that has its own means of staff-development. Organisations that are considered to have their own means for staff development are for example:

– multinational corporations (e.g. Shell, Unilever, Microsoft),

– large national and/or a large commercial organisations,

– bilateral donor organisations (e.g. USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid),

– multilateral donor organisations, (e.g. a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB),

– international NGO’s (e.g. Oxfam, Plan, Care);

• must have an official and valid passport;

• must not receive more than one fellowship for courses that take place at the same time;

• must have a government statement that meets the requirements of the country in which the employer is established (if applicable).

Requirements and how to apply:

Check whether you are in the above mentioned target groups.
Check whether your employer will nominate you.
Find a course with Studyfinder tool.
Contact the Dutch higher education institution which offers the NFP-qualified course of your choice for application procedures.

scholarships Deadline

Vary, from country to country and from program to program.

Application Form

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