World Press Institute Fellowship for Journalists
How does the American press look to journalists from other countries?
Fellows with the World Press Institute have been traveling around the United States since August. Their visit has coincided with major hurricanes, mounting tensions with North Korea and the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.
This is WPI fellowship calling for applications. WPI (World Press Institute) fellowship is a private, nonprofit organization supported by a wide range of foundations, local and national media, multinational U.S. corporations, and individuals from all over the world. The applications are open now!
ee the Program Review for examples of WPI events.
Nationality: international
Where: United States
Duration: three weeks
Number of selected fellows: ten
Fellowship coverage: all program costs, including transportation to the U.S. and back, all transportation within the U.S. related to the WPI program, and all lodging costs. Plus, a modest daily per diem for food is provided
What do you need to submit?
Applicant information
Employment history and education
Two essays are required as part of the online application
Color photo of yourself
Work samples
Awards, fellowships,
Three letters of recommendation
To apply: online at
Closing date: February 16, 2018
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