Scholarships offered by the Romanian State to foreign citizens through the MFA
This is a scholarship for international student who want to pursue further degree outside the country. Please look for further information below.
Where: Romania
Nationality: International Candidates Except EU member states citizens
Number of scholarship: 85 scholarships
Degree program: Under and Post graduate program
(Further eligible criteria, please find in Official website)
Be a citizens from eligible country
Must not hold a Romania citizenship
Must have good result in education
Be under the age of 35 years old when applying for Bachelor and Master’s studies, and under 45 years old for doctoral or post graduate degree
The study would be in Romanian Language. For someone who do not know Romanian language, there is one year course provided for students.
How to apply:
Application files must be submitted through diplomatic missions. Applicant must not send the application files post or directly to the MFA or to the MNE, and application submit after deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Deadline: The deadline for submitting the application files is established by each diplomatic mission.
For more information please go here